“True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.” – Socrates
The era of globalization where boundaries are blurred and cultures intermingle, has exposed us to a multitude of beliefs, perspectives, and worldviews. In a world where information is readily available at the tip of our fingers, resulting to almost blindly accepting ideas, barely needing effort for verification, philosophy serves as a counterbalance promoting the scrutiny of assumptions, preconceptions, and even the foundation of our beliefs.
Now, while instant access to global information allows for surface-level knowledge, philosophical inquiry prompts us to critically examine the cultural context of these information, becoming a bridge that encourages the thoughtful exploration of the complexities and nuances of our world and the ideas within it.
As convenient as it may be to just Google everything and get on with the rest of your busy day, don’t you miss the feeling of satisfaction of getting to an answer after losing yourself in your own thoughts?
With this year’s theme of “The Human of Our Future,” join us as we celebrate World Philosophy Day and let us all take a step back to slow down from our ever-growing and fast paced world, to reflect and enjoy the scenic route that is thoughtful contemplation and philosophical inquiry in understanding our lives, ourselves, and the world around us.