Samar State University Deers will be heading home victorious as they grabbed the championship...
Education students once again soared in a showcase of talent as the College of...
Crowds of the different programs in the College of Education go wild as the...
SSU – College of Education (COEd) kicks off its college days, titled “Bungkaras 2023,”...
Samar State University Deers remains undefeated as they get their 4th consecutive win against...
It’s a step closer to the dream profession for 233 fourth-year education students of...
University of St. Joseph – Macau had no option but to bow in submission...
College of Education makes the Good Luck Program and Pencil Ceremony happen for the...
September 18, 2023 — Samar’s pride Samar State University Deers reaffirmed their supremacy on...
United Architects of the Philippines Student Auxiliary – Samar State University Chapter commences its...