The world is full of opportunities for those who are willing to explore beyond...
Marjorie Tan
“Passing the LET is not just by chance nor by change, rather it requires...
After coming just two points short in the opening set, 24-26, Unit 2’s tenacity...
NOVEMBER 9, 2022 – To prepare the student nurses of Samar State University holistically...
LGBTQ+ members composing the Die Virgins team spiced the crowd with their witty performance...
Glamorous. Magnificent. Radiant. This is how the night of October 27th appeared as the...
Blue Team found its way to supremacy after a pulsating finish, 24-26, 25-22, 25-19,...
Red Team reserved a slot in the Men’s Volleyball Finals as they toppled the...
Overwhelming barrage of attacks courtesy of the team in Blue thwarting the Gray Team’s...
Loud. Vibrant. Lively. With the onset of midterms upon Samar State University, this is...