Despite falling short of the gold and silver awards, Samar State University wrapped up...
Marjorie Tan
After letting the mighty Praying Mantises taste their first ever defeat earlier this morning,...
In accordance with the global celebration of World Architecture Day, United Architects of the...
College of Education once again proved its supremacy by successfully defending its title as...
For most, basketball is just another ball sport played in a 29mx15m rectangular court,...
TARLAC, Philippines — Samar State University athletes are ready to fly the flag high...
Fulfilling the Promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Older Persons: Across...
Vibrant atmosphere fills Samar State University (SSU) Maceda Gymnasium as the crowds go wild...
University of St. Joseph – Macau had no option but to bow in submission...
It has always been dreams versus practicality. Fantasy or reality. One way or another....