Selecting the best people to hold the job of being a public servant is both critical and crucial. With the corruption existing in our country, we must assess every candidate, ensuring that none of them will abuse their power. However, corruption seems to have been a political culture in the Philippines. A lot of people are aware but do not show any literal care in choosing their candidates. They claim that every candidate is corrupt, so why not just choose someone who is disreputable but still did their job in the position. Nowadays, choosing who to vote for is a matter of who is the lesser evil, and that is not the best way to go down in the field of politics.
Corruption, cronyism, and nepotism are all major issues in the Philippines. They saturate public life, reducing tax revenues and undermining poverty-relief initiatives. Corruption, bribery, and cronyism are widespread accusations directed against government officials at all levels. Because these issues are so pervasive, Filipinos have grown to view cronyism and the transfer of a small amount of revenue as natural. This is not natural, nor is it normal. These are vital threats to the country’s welfare as they lessen productivity and economic progress. As responsible citizens of the country, we must use the abundant information resources brought by the advancement of technology.
Research every candidate, local or national, and assess every detail, including their past records of activities and potential questionable malicious activities. We must also take into consideration their proposed platforms. What are they going to do once they secure the position? What are their plans to yield growth and progress in our country? We must question them and show them that Filipinos are no longer ignorant of their political gimmicks.
According to the econometric models of Trading Economics, the Philippines’ Corruption Rank will trend around 117.00 in 2022 and 111.00 in 2023. This is a good sign that the country is a decliner and, at the same time, reflects that Filipinos are starting to be more critical in choosing suitable candidates. But this should not stop here; instead, this downward trend should continue until we attain a country that no longer views corruption as a natural concept in politics. This is doable and definitely achievable. Choose the one whom your conscience dictates. Be informed, be aware, and most importantly, don’t let anyone dismantle your power to be this country’s change.
Jasmine Mabanag | THE TRADESMAN Opinion Writer
Raymart Pancito | THE TRADESMAN Editorial Cartoonist
Jay Gabunar | THE TRADESMAN Layout Artist