Dear Carlo Garado,
You marked my sanctified territory with your smile and soft hand touches just like how the dragons took over the King’s Landing, fiery and scorching, now my city’s screaming.
You’d splatter the words “We’re in this together and I’m here for you” like a paint to my canvas that colored my dark nights with billions of stars like my five-year-old self dreamed of, and suddenly, the waves that crashed to the shore of my endless pining for love and peace came to an end, and that’s how I know I let you in.
You’d learn my language and speak my name fluently it will echo along every country’s coastlines, the world will never know it was my name you whispered but us, and as it reaches my ears, it will taste like the afternoon sea breeze warming my soulless kingdom, filling this ghost town with life.
You’d shower me with reassuring words powerful enough to turn my storms of worry into something so pretty like how the flowers bloom in the meadows of hopes and dreams that make me want to risk my fragmented heart.
Do you know how terrifying this is? To let my heart be vulnerable again after years of building walls out of make-believe strength and resilience, to convince myself that there’s healing after the breaking as I make scenarios of you leaving, and to believe that you’re the risk worth taking even if it meant my world shattering?
To our sender, we stand with you in this leap of love. We hope this bold step never bring regret, but instead blossom into joy and memories that you’ll always cherish.