Dear John,
I can’t believe that three years had passed already.
I can still remember how I detested you before. Seeing you just annoy me to the core. When you were just a transferee, my circles used to admire you, the whole school did. While there was I, throwing death glares on you even though we never even had a single interaction that time. My friends liked you, you slid on their inbox back then, too. I don’t know why I hate you that much, but one thing’s for sure, I will never be like them. Or so I thought.
“Can you be my best friend?” Funny how you asked me that like you were just asking for a piece of paper. I meant to say “No.” But my mouth betrayed me and said “yes” while I was running for my life on my way back home questioning my dignity.
From enemies to friends, and then from friends turned to lovers. Too cliche, right? But, somehow it happened and look where we are right now; three years and counting, both surviving life with hands clasped, treating each other as home.
Always got your back,
To the sender, we hope that you hold onto the love and bond you share. May you love each other like this forever!
Tradesmen, we are accepting entries now so send us a message through the written word for the chances that your Romeo/Juliet may read them!