Spearheaded by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences’ Pharmacy Department and third-year pharmacy students, the second annual Pharmacy Symposium was held at the Samar Island Institute of Medicine (SIIM) Lecture Hall on Friday, June 14, 2024.
With the theme “Community-Based Pharmacy: Its Practices and Issues,” the symposium aimed to equip future pharmacists with the appropriate skillset and knowledge about pharmacy practice in the community setting.
The event emphasized the important role of competent pharmacists in the modern healthcare system, and the moral obligations and responsibilities of pharmacists to patients and the community.
At the core of the symposium was the renowned guest speaker Ms. Lindy Tan, RPh, former Manufacturing Pharmacist, Radioactive Pharmacist, Community Pharmacist, and owner of Lindy’s Pharmacy, who shared her experiences and insights regarding issues faced by Pharmacists in the community setting.
Present at the event were Pharmacy Program Chair Mrs. Eddielyn Bobiles, RPh, Pharmacy Department instructors Ms. Angelica Dejarme, RPh, and Ms. Venice Lucaban, RPh, and BSP students.