it’s the time of the year, where christmas lights glow
where people give gifts, wrapped up with a bow
everyone is busy, each with their own pace
but in the corner of my eye, i see a boy with a sad look on his face
he was walking somewhere but his thoughts seemed to wander
i went up to him and asked, “what’s got you in such a bother?”
he said christmas is supposed to be fun, where people make merry
but this year feels different, it’s just not as cheery
while others are busy preparing extravagant meals,
others are fearing how they’re gonna pay the bills
with the cost of living at an all time high
when i think of tomorrow, i just can’t help but sigh
livelihood is hard to come by these days,
and an honest day’s work just barely pays,
now don’t get me wrong, he said and to continue
i’m all for modernization, but here’s the issue
jeepney phaseout, they say it’s for the best
but for many, that’s just an unreasonable request
cultural value and iconicness aside
jeepneys are more than just a ride
they’re the lifeline of many, each with a unique story to tell
and phasing out jeepneys is an unnecessary farewell
it’s not that i’m rejecting progress,
but think about the masses
a lot of people’s livelihoods are on the line
i guess that’s the main reason i don’t feel fine
christmas is supposed to be the season of giving, not taking
but why are some people problem-giving and job-taking?
he apologized for taking a while and said he’ll be on his way
i said no worries, i learned a lot today
his words lingered in my mind, as i watched him walk away
then i asked myself, what does christmas season mean anyway?
in spite of the lights burning so bright,
my thoughts pondered on those whose struggles are in plain sight
so to celebrate this season with more than just gifts wrapped tight,
let us exercise compassion and justice, that will truly make christmas shine bright.