I love my Monito or Monita! Yes, I do!
Christmas is the season of gift-giving. By nature, one of the main love languages of Filipinos is gift-giving. And to express our appreciation towards one another, we commonly celebrate Christmas with our loved ones through a bountiful feast and exchanging of gifts like a Secret Santa but with a Filipino twist. We call them our Monito and Monita.
Christmas wouldn’t be the same without this tradition. It is significantly embedded in the country’s culture because Filipinos often prepare-not just their pockets but also ideas to provide their loved ones with genuine gifts that can express their gratitude, love, and can make the recipient feel special on Christmas.
But take note, the cost of the presents does not always mirror its value. You do not have to conform and put this financial pressure on yourself to provide everyone with grandiose and expensive gifts, because a hundred pesos to you can mean something else but it can be a day’s worth of meal for another Filipino.
A simple gift that comes from your heart would suffice more than enough. As the saying goes, sometimes it’s the thought that counts.
After all, Christmas is still a celebration of love and sharing the love that you have with others.