In the past few days, Northern Samar and some areas in Eastern Samar were hit with an onslaught of intense and sustained downpour that has caused extreme floods. As a result, many of our fellow Samarnons are left struggling as the calamity has left them homeless and in dire need of assistance.
In response to this, a collaborative effort by various Student Organizations of Samar State University will be initiating a fundraising activity and donation drive for Northern and Eastern Samar.
Project SAMARYANIHAN will be dedicated in gathering monetary and in kind donations for the affected communities in Northern and Eastern Samar.
Together, we can help ease the hardships our fellow Samarnons are enduring.
0917 106 0598
Joan Nicole Piczon
Auditor, SSU-USC (Main Campus)
0606 390 513
Joan Nicole Piczon
Auditor, SSU-USC (Main Campus
Contact Persons:
0997 194 4823
Joshua Ibajo
President, SSU-USC (Main Campus)
0946 984 2512
Ma. Raphaela Araza
Grand Lady Chancellor, Apo – Theta Chapter
- USC Office
- CONHS Lobby
- COED Lobby
- Admin Building
- Gymnasium
- Guard House
For inquiries, you may directly contact:
0997 194 4823
Joshua Ibajo
President, SSU-USC (Main Campus)
Ma. Raphaela Araza
Grand Lady Chancellor, APO – Theta Alpha Chapter
You can also directly message the official Facebook page of SSU University Student Council at: https://www.facebook.com/ssu.universitystudentcouncil.
This initiative is in collaboration and partnership with participating organizations of Samar State University: APO Theta Alpha Chapter, Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines Student Edition (ICpEP.SE), Psychology Society, S4GREENVI, Red Cross Youth – SSU, Educators’ Guild, SEEDs, SSU – USC (Main Campus), SNA-SSU, PICE SSU-SC, IIEE-SSU-CSC, CoEd Student Government Organization, USPS, PPSO, Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines SSU Student Chapter, NURSING – ASNAH, Delta Epsilon (Society of Would-Be Engineers), CoEng’g Provincial Government, CAS Provincial Student Government, CIT – SSC, Coiffeur Glam Club, Fish Processing Society, Social Studies Circle, Mathematics Society, ACE Organization, Society of Automotive Students, Statistics Society, AMiCUS, Society of English Majors, Piktaw, SSU Campus Ministry, Gastronome Society, Society of Physical Educators, CoNHS Provincial Student Government, Mechanical Technology Society, Electrical Technology Student Society, The Budding Barons, IT Society, IS Society, Chi Alpha, and The Tradesman.