National Rice Awareness Month is celebrated during November in the Philippines, where rice, known locally as “Palay” (un-milled rice), “Bigas” (milled rice), and “Kanin” (cooked rice), represents more than just a staple food.
During this month, various aspects of rice are highlighted, and some frequently asked questions are addressed:
One question often asked is, “How many varieties of rice are there?” Surprisingly, there are more than 40,000 varieties of rice worldwide.
Another common inquiry revolves around the difference between wild rice and brown rice. The two are distinct; wild rice is long and narrow, while brown rice is lighter in color and comes in three sizes: short, medium, and long grain.
Furthermore, the International Year of Rice was declared in 2004, acknowledging rice as the staple food for more than half of the world’s population.
Throughout National Rice Awareness Month, the focus is on promoting pesticide-free local rice varieties and supporting local farmers. So, be “RICEponsible,” eat brown rice, and be healthy!