As part of their responsibility as University Student Council aspirants, despite of having no opposing party, Dignified Alliance for Student-Welfare, Independence, and Good Governance (DASIG) party showed up to address their plans and platforms, and credentials as student leaders at Samar State University Maceda Gymnasium during the Miting de Avance, Thursday, October 5, 2023.
Even when having the advantage of being the sole political party’s candidates in this year’s election, each aspirant must secure a minimum of 50% of the total votes cast to officially assume a position within the University Student Council.
Within the DASIG party, Joshua Ibajo, the Presidential candidate from the College of Engineering, has teamed up with Mariel Correche from the College of Education, aiming for the Vice Presidential position.
Every USC running candidate had a chance to present themselves and outline their platforms, along with the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate. Following their speeches, college representatives were queried about specific issues within their respective colleges, followed by an open forum where students had the opportunity to pose questions that the candidates addressed.
photos by Bruce Raphael Verzosa, Tricia Buenaventura, Franklyn Eclipse | The Tradesman
View all photos on Google Drive: SSU USC MITING DE AVANCE 2023