CATBALOGAN CITY — College of Education (CoEd) of Samar State University (SSU) administered a two-day seminar-workshop on “Planning and Delivering a Lesson: The DepEd Way” to train pre-service teachers in developing their skills and mastery in the field of teaching, held on November 26 and 28 at CoEd Function Room.
Acting Dean of the College of Education Dr. Laura B. Boller formally opened the program through sharing some tips in developing personal aura needed by the soon-to-be practice teachers.
Dr. Boller emphasized that what she shares is based on her personal stories. According to her, in the field of teaching, you cannot share what you do not have. She also gave emphasis on what the main goal of CoEd is.
“The College of Education aims to produce excellent teachers academically and its holistic well-being where there is heart in teaching,” she said.
Afterwards, Student Teaching Supervisor Professor Manilyn Sablan explained the rationale of the activity and she mentioned that this seminar-workshop is deemed necessary for pre-service teachers because this will guide them to become effective teachers in the near future. Sablan also mentioned that this is crucial in a sense that this will be part of their lifelong learning and a contributor to their teaching profession.
“This activity aims to equip you, our dear pre-service teachers, on rudiments and trends on lesson planning, as well as the appropriate strategies and methodologies in delivering lessons,” said Sablan.
The program proceeded with the introduction of resource speakers through Karen Gabejan and Lee Ryan Viroy, the hosts. The resource speaker for BECEd is Ma. Deborah Claros, for BEED is Joel Christian Salentes, the BSED English has Cynthia Luay, BSED Mathematics for Ruby Jaboli, Antonette Radomes is for BSED Science, Holly Nicole Estrelles is for BSED Social Studies, Charito Carido is for BPEd and Janice Manicani is for BTLEd.
Meanwhile, the breakout session by specialization kicked off and the resource speakers went to their respective classroom for the highlights of the event which are the discussion on the strategies and methodologies of making a lesson plan followed by presentation and critiquing.
All specializations have agreed to select their representative for the demonstration teaching on Day 2. They were evaluated based on their professional competencies which include lesson planning, teaching methods and strategies, content, and classroom management. Their personal competencies were also tested through their personality as a teacher and the way they communicate and construct questions. The evaluators are BEEd Program Chair Dr. Art Roncesvalles, Area Chair, BECEd Professor Frene Cañas, Quality Assurance Coordinator Professor Jake Boy Carbonquillo, BECEd Instructor Phoebe Faith Anino, Social Studies Instructor Mra. Lyme Correche and Science Instructor Jacob Andres Sequito.
In the morning session, each representative from BECEd, BEEd and BPEd successfully finished the teaching demonstration while the BSED English, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies and BTLEd presented in the afternoon.
Moreover, the evaluators gave their comments and suggestions to the outputs (lesson plans) crafted by the demonstrators and to their teaching demonstration. They received critiques and compliments from the experts and with that, together with all pre-service teachers, they gained learnings.
Meanwhile, the demonstrators received certificates. The top three (3) performers claimed their cash prize and the first placer bagged a trophy.
The Top 3
1st Placer – Sandra Bañar (BSED Mathematics)
2nd Placer – Joshua Estrelles (BSED Social Studies)
3rd Placer – Christian Aban (BSED English)
The two-day event was successfully administered through the efforts of Educators’ Guild led by Student Teaching Supervisor and EG adviser Professor Manilyn Sablan together with EG officers and the cooperation of captains from different specializations.
EG President Christhel Jean Bernas delivered her speech in the closing remark. According to her, enrolling in the College of Education means you pledged to give your life to inspire and mold young minds. She also told her co-student teachers to discover how they want to be as educators and challenge themselves to become the best version of a teacher.
“In this two-day seminar-workshop, I hope this paved the way for you to discover how you want to be as an educator, ignite the fire within you, and challenge yourself to become the best version not just for you but for the thousands of minds and future you’ll hold hereafter, ” Bernas said.
Daren Pensaber | News Writer