Eight queen candidates staged color, poise, and wit during the search for Queen Engineering 2022 held at SSU CoEng’g Grounds last night, November 16, as they eyed for the coveted Queen Engineering crown.
The said pageant was participated by LGBTQIA+ SSU College of Engineering students, representing their respective teams in the Engineering Days.
In the end, Civil Engineering student, Nikko Ibañez of Team Athena, crowned as the Queen Engineering 2022. She also bagged the Best in Production Number, Best in School Wear, Miss Eloquence, and Miss Photogenic.
John Mark Boloc from Team Hades and Anthony Sito from Team Poseidon, both CE students, hailed as 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up, respectively.
Boloc also won People’s Choice Award while Sito took Professionalism Award. Meanwhile, Joshua Ibajo was named as Miss Congeniality and Wence Gerard Ocong as Best in Casual Wear.
Jessie Gabonpa, Ronalyn Bohol | News Writer
Bruce Raphael Versoza | Photojournalist
Julio Laberon | Senior Layout Artist
Question: If you win tonight as Queen Engineering 2022, how will you make a trademark as a goodwill ambassadress in the College of Engineering?
Winning answers of the newly crowned queens during the pageant’s final question-and-answer portion are attached below.