Where there is no vision, the people perish. —Proverbs 29:18
Leadership is all about having a vision and possessing the capacity to make that vision a reality.
The Tradesman will be this year’s host of the upcoming SSU-USC 2022-2023 Elections Debate.
Be a part of our endeavor to uncover the candidates’ advocacies, platforms, and stands on various issues concerning the studentry by filling out the Google Form link below.
We would like to know what are the questions you would like to ask to our running USC candidates, and we will do the service of amplifying your voice in this upcoming event.
Tradesmen, be involved, be critical, and vote wisely!
Fill out the form below and leave some questions to get to know the running candidates.
Google form: https://forms.gle/M57PP4vqybX7LQyW6