To capture the Tradesmen’s votes…
SSU-USC candidates show up at Miting de Avance
What does it mean to be present during a day like this?
SEPTEMBER 26, 2022 —University Student Council aspirants persuade the tradesmen as they made an appearance at the Samar State University Maceda Gymnasium and delivered their plans and platforms during the Miting de Avance on Monday.
Movement of Active Leaders for Attainment of Youth Aspirations (MALAYA) Political Party bestowed three major agenda: ethical leadership, healthy studentry, and Project Aspire.
Dignified Alliance for Student Welfare, Independence, and Good Governance (DASIG) Party elaborated on their university-wide platforms: Project Burubligay and SSU Organization Fair, Student Caravan, SSU-USC Abot Bulig Program, and Leadership Development 2.0.
Each USC candidate was given three minutes to introduce themselves and state their platforms except for the presidential and vice presidential candidates who were given five minutes. The Presidential and Vice Presidential Debate followed right after everyone finished their speeches.
Precious Nery | News Editor
Bruce Raphael Verzosa | Photojournalist